Overviews of whole-systems landscape function, the living/biotic climate, and how changes to land use and water cycles affect climate.
- (Start Here: Article) The Biotic Climate and the Soil Sponge and this video The Biology of Climate
- (Fact sheet w. citations) Cool, Moist, and Green: Nature’s Processes--and Human Action Steps--for Rehydration of Landscapes and Hydrological Climate Cooling
- (Fact sheet w citations) Benefits of Increasing Living Plant Cover
- (Article) Other Species are Essential Workers Whose Economies Enfold Our Own
- (Videos) Walter Jehne, at our Land and Leadership Conference, and with Didi Pershouse at Harvard
- (Article) Why Communities Should Invest in Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Sponge
- (Short video) The Great Work of Our Time
- (Free Curriculum/Facilitator's Manual) Understanding Soil Health and Watershed Function (For all ages, and aligned with educational standards)
- (Fact sheet) Soil Health Principles, Expanded Version
Measurement, observation, and monitoring
- (Fact sheet) How Do We Measure Improvements in Soil Sponge Structure and Function?
- (Field manual) Field Methods for Monitoring Soil Health and Watershed Function (For all ages and aligned with educational standards)
- (Field manual) Visual Soil Assessment Guides
- (Field manual & deep philosophy) A Field Guide to Life's Most Powerful and Creative Planetary Force and a previous version, quite different and also wonderful.
Popular authors who write about these issues
- Didi Pershouse: The Wisdom Underground blog/podcast, and The Ecology of Care: Medicine, Agriculture, Money, and The Quiet Power of Human and Microbial Communities
- Alpha Lo: The Climate Water Project blog/podcast, especially this 2-part article.
- Rob Lewis: The Climate According to Life blog/podcast, especially this 3-part article and this and this!
- Judith Schwartz: especially her books Water in Plain Sight, and The Reindeer Chronicles.
- Charles Eisenstein: Climate: A New Story and this video by his son Jimi
Other resources we want you to know about:
- (Resource Guide) Bio4Climate's Compendium of Scientific and Practical Findings Supporting Eco-Restoration to Address Global Warming Especially Volume 2, #1 on Water Cycles, and Volume 2, #2.
- (White paper) Water for Climate Healing: the New Water Paradigm
- (Map) Regenerative Projects Around the World by David McConville
- (White paper) Turning Soils into Sponges, by the Union of Concerned Scientists
- (Short video) Why Soils are One of the Most Amazing Things on Earth, by the BBC
- (Article) Towards Redesign at Scale through Zero Budget Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh, India by Zareen Pervez Bharucha of the Global Sustainability Institute
- (Book series) The Barefoot Guides